Monday, November 21, 2011

Specimen 5

Name: Dicranum flagellare
Common name:
Family: Dicranaceae
Collection Date: October 4, 2011
Habitat: Coarse woody debris in advanced stages of rotting in shade
Location:West Woods
Description: A mat of dark green moss growing on the ground around damp decaying wood. Noticed the very curly leaves and large densen mat.
Collector: Ken Belter
Key Used: Conard, H.S. and P.L. Redfearn, Jr. 1979. How to Know the Mosses and Liverworts 2nd Edition, McGraw-Hill, Boston, Mass
Keying Steps: Some of the key steps here have been abbreviated or only highlight certain aspects of the description. Some of the shorter ones like plants not as above will appear as in the book.

Start of Key page 19
     1a. Plants with Stems and Leaves; leaves equally spaced around the stem or, if in two opposite rows, leaf cells elongate or isodiametric and rhizoids multi cellular...2
2. b. plants not as above...3
3b. plants not as 28
1b. Green, brwon, yellow, or blackish plants;...3
3b. Leaves inserted inthree or more rows...7
7b.Plants ...gemmae when present at the tips of sterile stems not arrnged in a cup...8
8b. leaves well developed and persistent...9
9. Capsule and leaves not as above...10
10b. Plants with or without a distinct stem...17
17b. Plants minute to large;...20
20b. Leaves without such outgrowths...28
28b.Plants not aveing the above combnation of characyers;...33
33a.Stems erect, unbranched, or with branches erect, generally in tufts;...34
34b. Leaves, especially the base not as above...36
36a.Leaf cells conspicuously bulging...37
37b.Leaf cells papillose or striolate...43
43a.Cells at basal angles of leaves...44
44b. Leaf cells papillose; perichaetial leaves 81 Dicranum
page 81.
1a. Leaf points not mostly broken off,...3
3b.Plants with flagelliform branches....Dicranum flagellare
From Conrard and Redfearn "Plants in dense tufts, 0.5-5.5 cm tall, dull green to brownish-green on rotten logs, stumps, or occasionally on humas or thin soil over rocks, througt North America from Southern Canada, southern Montana, South Dakota, Minnesota, Arkanasas, Tennessee and North Carolina" (1979)

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