Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Specimen 6

Name: Plagiothecium denticulatum
Common name:
Family: Plagiotheciaceae
Collection Date: October 4, 2011
Habitat: Coarse woody debris in advanced stages of rotting in shade
Location:West Woods
Description: A mat of dark green moss growing on the ground around damp decaying wood. Noticed the glossy leaves.
Collector: Ken Belter
Key Used: Conard, H.S. and P.L. Redfearn, Jr. 1979. How to Know the Mosses and Liverworts 2nd Edition, McGraw-Hill, Boston, Mass
Keying Steps: Some of the key steps here have been abbreviated or only highlight certain aspects of the description. Some of the shorter ones like plants not as above will appear as in the book.

Start of Key page 19
 1a. Plants with Stems and Leaves; leaves equally spaced around the stem or, if in two opposite rows, leaf cells elongate or isodiametric and rhizoids multi cellular...2
2 plants not as above...3
3b. plants not as above...page 28
page 28
1b. Green, brown, yellow, or blackish plants...3
3b.leaves inserted in three or more rows...7
7b. plants with a peristome of more tan 4 teeth...8
8b. leaves well developed and persistent...9
9b. capsule and leaves not as above...10
10b.Plants with or without distinct stem...17
17b.Plants minute to large...20
20b.leaves without such out growths...28
28b.Plants not having the above combination...33
33b.Stems creeping or ascending, usually extensive...139
139b.leaves smooth; more or less glossy...174
174b.Paraphylli or multi cellular propagula few or none...182
182b.Costa single and strong to short...183
183b. Costa single, reaching the middle of the leaf...184
184b.Costa lacking, or short and/or double...230
230b.Plants terrestrial...231
231b.median leaf cells long to very long...239
239b. leaves not as above...240
240b.leaves with small quadrate alar cells or with little or no differentiation of alar cells...252
252b.leaves with Little or no differentiation of alar cells...260
260a.leaves imbricate to erect open...261
261b.Stems and branches not as above...262
262b. leaves not deeply plicate...page 205 Plagiothecium
Page 205
1b. Plants smaller, leaves not strongly undulate, less than 4,, long...2
2b.Leaf apex not abruptly contracted to a filiform apex...3
3b. Leaves asymmetric, flat, distinctly complanate, decurrent portion of leaf auriculate...Plagiothecium denticulatum
From Conrard and Redfearn "Plants in dull to  glossy, dark green to yellow green mats, on logs, stumps, tree bases, soil and humas, Alaska to Labrador south, Oregon, Alberta, Idaho, Montana, Uta, Colorado, New Mexico, Michigan, Tennessee and North Carolina" (1979)

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